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About LifeSight Coaching

LifeSight Coaching can help you explore areas of your life that may not be operating as smoothly as you’d like.  Through a combination of active listening, engaging conversation, and expansive exercises, we’ll work together to create a practical, workable, and step-by-step action plan that can help turn your life… into your BEST life.  

Beautiful Sunset

Traditional coaching methods often focus on changing external behaviors to bring about positive life changes. This approach, known as the "Outside-In" model, can certainly be helpful, however it does have its limitations.  It can overlook the inner struggles related to negative thoughts, patterns, and self-limiting beliefs that can sabotage a client's progress.

To address this, LifeSight Coaching also utilizes an "Inside-Out" Model, which can help clients to recognize any such negative thoughts, patterns, and behaviors that may dwell within their mental, emotional, physical or spiritual states of being.

By using both the Outside-In and Inside-Out approaches, LifeSight Coaching can help clients to move forward on their goals and objectives while also shedding light on any inner obstacles that might otherwise show up subconsciously in the form of blocks, fears, procrastination, or self-sabotage.

Learn more about LifeSight Coaching in the FAQ section.

Jeff Friedman LifeSight Coaching

About Jeff Friedman

Founder of LifeSight Coaching

Hi, thanks for checking out LifeSight Coaching.  I am a dynamic and multi-faceted Integrative Life Coach dedicated to guiding individuals toward a more fulfilling life. I obtained a certification in Integrative Wellness and Life Coaching from the prestigious Integrative Wellness Academy.  This training has equipped me with knowledge, tools, and skills to empower individuals to thrive in all aspects of life. As an Integrative Wellness and Life Coach, I specialize in helping clients regain control over their lives and make the meaningful changes they desire.

My approach helps clients to establish a greater sense of balance and wholeness across their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual states of being.  With a diverse background and a wealth of life experiences, I bring a unique blend of wisdom, compassion, and expertise to my coaching practice. 

I created LifeSight Coaching to help individuals identify and take action on their passions, interests, and goals, which they may have put on hold for many months, or many years! 
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